Dhaka Restaurant & Recreation Center (Dhaka Bar)

You may step into the world of Dhaka Restaurant & Recreation Center and prepare for an experience like no other. This eclectic establishment is a melting pot of creativity, diversity, and fun. With its vibrant atmosphere, innovative drinks, and unique entertainment offerings, Dhaka Bar is a haven for those who dare to be different.

The bar’s decor is a visual feast for the eyes. Every corner of Dhaka Bar is Instagram-worthy, from colourful murals to quirky installations. The lively and energetic ambience creates a buzzing vibe that instantly makes you smile. Whether looking for a cozy corner to relax or a vibrant dance floor to let loose, this bar has everything.

Regarding drinks, Dhaka Restaurant & Recreation Center is a playground for mixology enthusiasts. The bartenders are true masters of their craft, concocting innovative and delicious cocktails that push the boundaries of flavour. The drink menu is an actual work of art, from classic favourites with a twist to signature creations that will surprise and delight.

But Dhaka Bar is not just about the drinks. It’s about the experience. The bar hosts exciting events, from live music performances to themed parties and interactive experiences. You’ll never know what surprises await you when you enter the doors. Get ready to dance, laugh, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

What truly sets Dhaka Bar apart is its inclusive and welcoming environment. It’s a place where people from all walks of life can come together to celebrate and enjoy. You’ll be embraced with open arms and treated like family, whether a local or a visitor.

Dhaka Restaurant & Recreation Center

Zaman Tower, 37/2 Culvert Road, Dhaka 1000

Always lowest price of liquor in Dhaka city, check the menu today and see for yourself!

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